Scientific Diving

UBC and other scientific institutions in Canada are members of the Canadian Association of Underwater Science (CAUS). The opportunity to become qualified as a science diver enables you with the opportunity to dive under reciprocity with other member institutions.
Science diving provides you with a tool to access the marine environment and conduct quantitative assessments of biomass and biodiversity. It may enable a shorter and more cost effective mechanism to gain your commercial certification as a SCUBA diver.

For questions, please reach out to the Safety Advisor, Scientific Diving (

In this section

Conducting Research Involving Diving

UBC is a member of the Canadian Association of Underwater Science. Please contact the Diving Safety Officer for further details on the program.

Diving Safety FAQs

Additional information on diving safety.

Diving Forms & Resources

In order to conduct diving research, forms and resources must be met prior to diving.

Diving Safety Training

Mandatory for scientific diving.

Training & Required Diver Qualifications

Prerequisites to qualify for training as a Scientific Diver.

Types of Scientific Diving

Scientific Diving & Snorkelling


Requirements for registering in the science diving program

Training & Qualification Maintenance

Training requirements and maintenance of certification

Project Approval

Diving project approval


Reciprocity rules at UBC and other Institutions