In this section
Communicable disease prevention
Information on active communicable disease
Communicable disease prevention measures
Communicable disease prevention
Communicable disease prevention outlines how Public Health, UBC and individuals can work together to prevent the spread of communicable disease. It is intended to educate members of the campus community on such measures so that we all better understand the layers of protection. A communicable disease is an illness caused by an infectious agent or its toxic product that can be transmitted in a work, research or academic environment from one person to another (i.e. influenza, COVID-19, norovirus).
The Communicable Disease Prevention Framework is aligned with BCCDC’s guidance for Post-Secondary Institutions and is not meant to replace existing communicable disease exposure control plans in workplaces that require them (Please refer to parts 5.2 and 6.33 to 6.40 of WorkSafeBC’s Occupational Health & Safety Regulation).
View UBC Vancouver’s Communicable Disease Prevention Framework
For UBC Okanagan, please visit UBCO Communicable disease control.
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Information on active communicable disease
We publish regular updates on notable communicable diseases.
Updated: January 10, 2025
Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Preventing Viral Respiratory Illness: To increase protections in health care facilities in BC, starting January 7th, medical mask-wearing is required by all healthcare workers, volunteers, contractors and visitors (including UBC faculty, staff and learners) in patient care areas where active patient care is being provided.
- Patient care areas include waiting rooms, home and community care locations (including a patient’s home), and any location where emergency health services are being provided.
- Administrative areas and private offices which are not generally accessed by patients, residents, or clients, or areas where care is not being provided, such as foyers, hallways, cafeterias, chapels and family rooms are not considered patient care areas. UBC faculty, staff and learners may choose to wear a medical mask in non-patient care areas based on personal choice.
- Health care workers must continue to wear all required PPE where indicated by a point of care risk assessment (PCRA) and in accordance with local infection prevention and control policy.
- View the BC Ministry of Health Infection Prevention and Control Measures for Preventing Viral Respiratory Illness Policy on the Provincial Infection Control Network of British Columbia (PICNet) website.
Updated: August 22, 2024
- Mpox (previously called Monkeypox): The risk to people in Canada from Mpox remains low. The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is working with provincial and territorial public health partners to monitor Mpox in Canada. For more information please visit the BCCDC website.
- For information globally on this disease and others please visit World Health Organization (WHO)
Updated: July 31, 2024
- COVID-19: On July 26, 2024, the British Columbia’s provincial health officer (PHO), issued a notice to end the public-health emergency for COVID-19 and has rescinded all related orders.
- Additional emerging respiratory viruses
Communicable disease prevention measures
Some of these Communicable disease prevention measures are used on an ongoing basis (i.e. health checks, behaviours, cleaning, functioning HVAC systems) and some measures may be implemented when there is an elevated risk of communicable disease (i.e. barriers, physical distancing, and wearing masks). For example, the level of risk may rise from time to time or on a seasonal basis and therefore the number of protective measures needed may rise, as recommended by Public Health.
Not all measures will be available all of the time, and therefore it is recommended that members of the UBC community understand and practice them in a risk-aware manner, guided by their comfort and Public Health Recommendations.
Health checks and staying home
Daily health checks are a great way to check in with your body and evaluate how you are feeling. A daily health check allows you to determine if you are exhibiting symptoms of communicable disease and may keep you from attending UBC campuses and spreading illness. In addition to reducing the potential to spread disease, staying home when sick gives you time to rest and recover more quickly. Review your Department’s Hybrid Work Guidelines, and your UBC Employee Group’s sick leave benefits to understand your opportunities for working from home while symptomatic or taking sick leave. Learn more about UBC’s response strategy.
Your daily health check should include answering: Am I experiencing any of the following new or worsening symptoms?
Behavioural considerations
Behavioural considerations each offer a layer of protection against communicable diseases. Some behaviours are used routinely, such as handwashing and respiratory etiquette, while others may be added when communicable disease risk is elevated like wearing masks. Wearing masks in public indoor settings is not required by public health but a personal choice. Please be kind and respectful of an individual’s choice if they choose to wear a mask. Learn more about UBC’s response strategy.
Vaccines have proven to greatly reduce, and even eliminate, many infectious diseases that once killed or harmed people. Vaccines lower your chance of catching certain diseases, and/or experiencing a serious outcome from disease. Vaccines also lower your chance of spreading disease, which protects people in the community who are unable to be vaccinated. Being sure you are up-to-date on your routine vaccinations, getting annual flu shots and being fully vaccinated against COVID-19, are ways to protect yourself and others from preventable infections. A list of vaccines recommended for all adults is provided by Immunize BC. Learn more about UBC’s response strategy.
Immediate work environment
Cleaning of shared areas, objects, and work stations, is important in preventing the spread of communicable diseases. Learn more about UBC’s response strategy.
HVAC Systems
Building ventilation systems can help in reducing the transmission of some communicable diseases, such as the influenza and COVID-19. Building ventilation can be improved through measures such as enhanced filtration, introduction of fresh air and system verification and maintenance. Learn more about UBC’s response strategy.
Getting outside
Respiratory illness is more easily spread between people who are in close contact as respiratory droplets or aerosols can move between people more efficiently. Getting outside offers the ability to spread out, while the breeze can disperse and dilute infectious particles. Learn more about UBC’s response strategy.