Refusal of Unsafe Work

Workers have the right to refuse unsafe work. If you have a reasonable cause to believe that performing a job or task puts you at risk, it is your right to not perform that job or task. Notify your supervisor immediately of this as they must investigate the matter and correct it if possible. A detailed flowchart has been created below outlining all the steps to take and means of escalation.

For questions and concerns, please contact:

A supervisor or employer representative must document any refusal of unsafe work. Please refer to the Refusal of Unsafe Work Investigation Report for guidance.

View the Refusal of Unsafe Work Investigation Report

Refusal of unsafe work flowchart


Please note: If the employer is working through the steps to resolve a work refusal, a written notice must be provided to any worker assigned or permitted to do the work that is subject of the work refusal using the above ‘Refusal of Unsafe Work Investigation Report‘.