Hazardous Waste Inventory System (HWIS)

The Hazardous Waste Inventory System (HWIS) is an online database which is used to safely dispose of hazardous waste at UBC. You can login by clicking on “Dispose of Hazardous Waste” – look for the rectangular light blue button on the home page.

Please note that generators located at Point Grey campus and those at Hospital sites have to login via 2 separate URLs. These direct URLs have changed in early 2023, in case you wish to update your web browsers.

Since August 2023, users have been able to log into the Hazardous Waste Inventory Systems (HWIS) using their UBC CWL credentials. This integration streamlines the login process and enhances system security and user accessibility. Learn more. Please note that current UBC students, faculty or staff must login via CWL. Non-CWL users at Point Grey campus can still login using a system registered email/password.

Hazardous Waste Inventory System (HWIS)

What has changed?

HWIS users are now able to log into the Hazardous Waste Inventory Systems (HWIS) using their UBC CWL credentials.

System users must use their UBC CWL to create new accounts and login. Users without CWL (non-UBC labs at Point Grey campus) who require hazardous waste service via the HWIS can still use company emails and system passwords.

Academic users are required to hold valid safety training certificates (Hazardous Waste Management, Chemical Safety and/or Biosafety) – certificate #’s required upon registration – in order to create new HWIS accounts and to use the system. Non-academic users (operational departments) may substitute Chemical/Biosafety training with General Audience WHMIS, upon approval from SRS.

In recent years, the on/off campus systems have undergone some significant changes, which affect the way they are currently used. These changes enhance system functionalities, improve generator accountability, and most importantly, ensure continued regulatory compliance. The periodic updates and improvements continue.

The system’s main features as well as FAQs are summarized below.

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What unique system functionalities does the Point Grey Campus HWIS have?

The features below ONLY affect the HWIS database used by waste generators on the Point Grey campus.

  • The Hazardous Waste Inventory System (HWIS) is used for both biological and chemical waste.
  • Principal Investigators, as new HWIS registered users, are initially approved by SRS system administrators.
  • Each Principal Investigator (PI) must acknowledge responsibility for the hazardous waste generated in their laboratory by any member of their research or teaching group (staff/students) under a Responsibility Statement. [Note: To ensure consistency in our accountability framework the “PI Responsibility” for managing laboratory contacts and hazardous waste reporting cannot be transferred to another staff member, in a research lab where there is an actual faculty member with grant signing authority. PIs can delegate all other responsibilities related to hazardous waste disposal to lab personnel.]
  • Each PI is required to approve access to the system for all Users within their labs (called “lab contacts”) – this access is not managed centrally by system administrators.
  • PIs have access to their research group’s annual hazardous waste reports.
  • HWIS users can use the system to submit chemical waste, monthly autoclave reports or annual animal waste declarations. The system is also used to order disposal tags (for repeated waste streams) and waste generator barcodes. Email or phone requests are not accepted.

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What system functionalities does the Off-Campus Hospitals HWIS have?

The features below reflect the HWIS database used by waste generators located at off-campus research facilities (Hospital sites).

  • The Hazardous Waste Inventory System (HWIS) is used for disposal of chemical waste ONLY, the name is in alignment with all the UBC hazardous waste system.
  • Principal Investigators, as new HWIS users, are initially approved by SRS system administrators.
  • New off-campus users do not need PI approval in order to use the system, it is essentially self-registration. Users can also submit chemical waste in the system inventory without PI approval.
  • HWIS users can use the system to submit chemical waste. Disposal tags (for repeated waste streams) and waste generator barcodes are not required at hospital sites.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. What happens if I don’t have a CWL? Non-CWL users at Point Grey campus can still login using a system registered email/password.
  2. What can I do if I don’t have a Principal Investigator (PI)? Please contact SRS. PIs must be faculty members. System administrators can designate other groups as faculty if they do not have a PI (mostly in teaching labs).
  3. What information can I update under my user/PI profile? You may update your email, room, phone, building, safety training certificate, or PI name. If your or building is not on the drop-down list, please contact SRS.
  4. Can my PI approve me even if his/her HWIS account is inactive? Yes, your PI can approve you as a lab contact even if his/her account is inactive, but your PI needs re-approval by admin for re-activation.
  5. How can PIs approve their lab contacts? PIs will just have to click on the notification link received from the system, or they can login to their HWIS account and approve users from the PI Admin Panel under their user home page and click on “Approve”.
  6. If my lab is located at Point Grey Campus, will I be able to submit any chemical waste or disposal tag requests by contacting SRS directly before my PI approves me? No, SRS/ESF will not be able to accept any phone or email requests. Please wait for your PI’s approval.

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