Attend the Health Fair for Diabetes Awareness
The Centre for Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing in collaboration with the UBC Pharmacists Clinic are happy to offer a Health Fair for Diabetes Awareness. The event is open to those in the VPFO with or without diabetes or pre-diabetes. It is dedicated to helping you learn about diabetes and how to manage your blood sugar to keep your risk as low as possible.
COVID-19 Update: Change to mask use in health care settings, and other changes communicated by the Ministry of Health & Provincial Health Office
While there is no general requirement to wear a face covering (mask) on UBC Premises, certain UBC students, faculty, and staff were subject to ministerial policy requiring the use of masks in clinical health care settings. Changes Effective April 6, 2023: Masks are no longer required to be worn by staff, visitors, or patients, […]
Did you Drop, Cover, and Hold on for the annual Great BC ShakeOut?
The Great BC ShakeOut is an annual province-wide earthquake drill for everyone to practice how to protect themselves and to be better prepared in the event of an earthquake. Thank you to everyone who took part in the earthquake drill and participated in the events! UBC Alert As part of ShakeOut, UBC was also testing its […]
Emergency Preparedness Week is May 1-7, 2022
Join us during Emergency Preparedness Week (EP Week) to increase our community’s resilience by learning about emergency preparedness. EP Week is a national event supported by Public Safety Canada. Preparing for an emergency does not need to be difficult. Start by getting informed on the risks in your community, make a plan, and then […]