While there is no general requirement to wear a face covering (mask) on UBC Premises, certain UBC students, faculty, and staff were subject to ministerial policy requiring the use of masks in clinical health care settings.
Changes Effective April 6, 2023: Masks are no longer required to be worn by staff, visitors, or patients, except if required in certain settings based on existing (pre-pandemic) infection control guidelines.
This means wearing masks in most health-care settings and units is a personal choice and not required by public health, but may still be required based on a risk assessment when a person is presenting with symptoms or the facility is currently managing an outbreak.
Provincial Health Orders that are still in effect:
- The PHO requiring health-care system workers to be vaccinated remains in place to protect patients and health-care workers and ensure the resilience of the health-care system.
In the announcement, there were some changes that affect visitors to long-term and assisted living settings:
- Proof of vaccination is no longer required from visitors
- Symptom screening of visitors is no longer required
- Rapid testing of visitors is no longer required
- Masks are no longer required to be worn by staff or visitors, except if required under existing (pre-pandemic) infection control guidelines
For both staff and visitors in all health-care settings, Public Health recommends: Continue to follow excellent hand hygiene practices and stay home if you’re sick. Return to work when you feel better, or reschedule your visit for a later date.
For more information on Public Health issues, visit www.bccdc.ca
To read the Announcement from the Ministry of Health visit news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023HLTH0039-000473