Safety & Risk Services coordinates the disposal of hazardous waste materials through the Environmental Services Facility (ESF) located on South Campus. The facility safely manages hazardous waste in accordance with relevant regulations. At ESF, laboratory wastes and hazardous materials generated by the University from mainly research/academic activities and some operational activities are consolidated, recycled and/or disposed via approved external contractors. This section includes procedures describing the safe and appropriate methods for the disposal of hazardous waste at UBC Point Grey campus.
Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures
What hazardous waste disposal procedures do I need to follow?
Laboratory Pollution Prevention Guide
What do I need to know about lab pollution prevention & waste minimization?
Hazardous Waste Disposal Procedures
What hazardous waste disposal procedures do I need to follow?
These disposal procedures apply primarily to hazardous waste generated by academic laboratories at Pt Grey Campus.
Please follow the most updated disposal procedures listed under the sections below. Use only current versions and check this webpage regularly if you are using procedures older than 2-3 years. Any printed documents or documents linked outside the SRS website are considered Uncontrolled. We recommend you bookmark this webpage rather than individual SOPs. Also note that the Hazardous Waste Manual (last edition 2014) has been archived.
Aqueous waste
- Aqueous waste – see Pollution Prevention – Sanitary Sewer
Biological Waste
- Animal Bedding
- Animal carcasses
- Biohazardous waste
- Biomedical waste
- Non-human primate waste
- Non-indigenous species
- Pharmaceuticals & controlled drugs
- Sharps
Chemical Waste
- Chemical waste
- Mercury (elemental) waste
- Non-regulated contaminated solid waste
- Organic solvent waste
- Photographic waste
- Potentially explosive chemicals
Other Waste
Frequently Asked Questions
Hazardous Waste Forms
Laboratory Pollution Prevention Guide
What do I need to know about lab pollution prevention & waste minimization?
UBC has more than 400 laboratories across campus and several research facilities located off-campus, which generate more than 95% of UBC’s hazardous waste. We encourage every member of the University community to be aware of the environmental and financial impacts of their hazardous waste. This guide was designed to provide you, as hazardous waste generators, with information that will support your laboratory pollution prevention and waste minimization efforts.