Get ready to ShakeOut
Get ready to ShakeOut on October 18, 10:18 a.m. This October, practice how to be better prepared in the event of an earthquake. The drill is a timely reminder for UBC and individuals to review and update emergency preparedness plans and supplies, and practice what to do should an earthquake strike.
BioSafety Alert: Global Polio Eradication Initiative Survey
We need your help! Take some time to review your biological specimen inventory and then complete the UBC Polio Survey
CPR & AED Training for the UBC Community
Join us for 30 minute CPR and AED training sessions between 5-8pm on October 4, 2018 hosted by Heart & Stroke and supported by BC Emergency Health Services!
Get the flu shot: Your best protection against the flu bug
Ever been hugged a little too long? The flu can be just like that. Don’t get hugged by a bug, get your flu shot Oct 24 – 26 at the Nest.
Celebrate Safety@UBC: Safety Day is Coming on October 3, 2018
On Wednesday October 3, 2018 from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., JOHSC and LST members from across the university will join RMS in the Nest’s Great Hall for Safety Day, a day of learning and celebration of their efforts.