Required training for all UBC workers

All UBC employees are required to meet WorkSafeBC and UBC requirements. At UBC, a worker includes, Senior Executives, Faculty, Staff, Student Workers & Practicum or Clinical Placement Students.

As of 2023, UBC is aiming to increase compliance with required training for staff and student-staff, as mandated by legislation and UBC policies. Every March and October, UBC staff and student-staff who are not up to date on their UBC Required Training will receive a Workday notification as a reminder to complete the training(s). Managers and supervisors will also receive a Workday notification with the names of their employees who are not up to date on their UBC required training.

For Managers and Supervisors, you will have the option to run a report at any time in Workday by going to the section ‘My Team’, and selecting the ‘Workers with Incomplete Required Training – Distributed’ button to check if you have employees who are not up to date on their UBC required training.

If you believe you have completed the most up-to-date version of a necessary required training, but still receive a notification of incompletion, please contact the workplace learning ecosystem (wpl):

Required health & safety training for all workers

New Worker Safety Orientation

The New Worker Safety Orientation covers general safety information that all workers must be aware of before beginning to work at UBC. Once the general safety course is complete, workers must also receive a site specific safety orientation as each area will have their own safety procedures (i.e. meeting area during a building evacuation, etc…). The first part is online and covers the following general safety topics:

  • Who is considered to be a new worker;
  • When training is required;
  • Health & safety policy and responsibilities;
  • Report hazards or unsafe conditions
  • Workers’ rights
  • Health & safety programs/procedures to support workers
  • Emergency preparedness
  • Emergency and safety contacts

After the completion of the New Worker Safety Orientation, a site specific safety orientation is required to be completed with your supervisor or a person designated by your supervisor who is familiar with the hazards in your area.

Download Site Specific Safety Orientation Template [PDF]

Access: New Worker Safety Orientation

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Preventing and addressing workplace bullying and harassment training

Workplace bullying and harassment has serious outcomes for employers and workers and as a result the training is mandatory. The Preventing and Addressing Workplace Bullying and Harassment Training is comprised of the following topics:

  • Defining workplace bullying and harassment
  • Recognizing workplace bullying and harassment
  • Identifying bullying and harassment
  • Describing the duties of employers, supervisors, and workers, with respect to workplace bullying and harassment
  • Responding to situations involving workplace bullying and harassment

Access: Preventing and addressing workplace bullying and harassment training

Preventing and responding to Sexual Misconduct

UBC strives to maintain a diverse, inclusive, safe and vibrant environment. To do so, all UBC employees must uphold the commitments set out in our Sexual Misconduct Policy.

This training will provide employees with foundational knowledge on the expectations and resources available under the Sexual Misconduct Policy, including:

  • UBC’s definition of sexual misconduct and prohibited relationships
  • How to respond to a disclosure of sexualized violence in a trauma-informed way
  • UBC’s sexualized violence resources

Access: Preventing and responding to Sexual Misconduct

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Workplace violence prevention training

All workers must know how to respond in a potentially threatening or violent situation. The Workplace Violence Prevention Training covers general personal security information. Departments may also have site specific procedures.

Access: Workplace Violence Prevention Training

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Required Privacy & Information Security Fundamentals Training Part 1 & 2 for all workers

Privacy & Information Security Fundamentals Training Part 1 & 2

Nearly every UBC faculty and staff member has access to Confidential Information, including personal and payment card data. As the loss or disclosure of this information could be very harmful, it’s important for you to know how to protect it. The Privacy & Information Security Fundamentals Training is comprised of the following topics:

  • Privacy & Personal Information
  • Transmission & Sharing of Information
  • Phishing
  • Storage & Encryption of Information
  • Working Remotely
  • General Privacy & Information Security Tips

Access: Privacy & Information Security Fundamentals Training Part 1 & 2

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Required training for all supervisors

Safety supervision at UBC

Supervisors are key players in the workplace and it is important that they are trained in their roles and responsibilities so that they can effectively carry them out. The Safety Supervision at UBC course covers the following topics with a specific focus on the responsibility of the supervisor:

  • Legal Responsibilities and Due Diligence
  • Orientation and Training
  • Incident Investigation

Access: Safety Supervision at UBC

Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace for Managers and Supervisors

This training focuses on building mental health literacy, clarifying managers and supervisors’ responsibilities when it comes to building workplace psychological health and safety, and sharing important resources.

Access: Supporting Mental Health in the Workplace for Managers and Supervisors

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Safety training for hybrid work

Safety training for hybrid work

Updated: July 20, 2023

The option for hybrid work requires key attention to safety at the hybrid worksite as WorkSafeBC considers it an extension of your workplace. Therefore, an application for Hybrid Work includes two safety requirements:

  • Completion of the Hybrid Work Safety Training
  • Completion of the Hybrid Work Agreement application which includes a work area safety site review.
Access: Hybrid Work Safety Training Access: Hybrid Work at UBC (HR website)

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Lab specific training requirements

What training is required for working in a lab?

Depending on the nature of the lab, you may need to take any of the following training courses:

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What training is required for working in an industrial setting?

Workers can be at a risk of serious injury due to the nature of hazards involved in an industrial environment. Ask your supervisor or manager for the specific training required for your job duties.

Depending on the nature of the industrial setting and whether you ship or receive hazardous materials, you may need to take any of the following training courses:

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What training is required for working in an office setting?

If your work solely involves working in an office, you must complete the mandatory training. Job-specific training must be provided by your supervisor. It is important to recognize the importance of having a proper workstation and how that can aid in reducing the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. Use the Ergo your Office Guide to find out more.

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Task specific training requirements

What training is required for job specific tasks?

Each role in the workplace has assigned tasks that require training specific to that worksite. Supervisors are responsible for task assignment and assessment of the training needed to complete those tasks safely and effectively.

While this job-specific training may be delivered by the supervisor or a trainer with demonstrated subject matter expertise, the supervisor retains responsibility for oversight of training and confirmation that an adequate level of proficiency has been attained. Signing off on an employee’s training completion testifies to demonstration of trainee competency and is a legally necessary demonstration of supervisory due diligence.

If a supervisor finds that an employee has not reached an adequate level of competency, further training must be done prior to sign off of the training record for that assessed requirement. A Task Specific Training Documentation Template (WORD) is available to guide you in the documentation of staff training assessments and completion.

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