Environmental Training

Environmental Protection provides training for individuals in the areas of Environmental Awareness, Hazardous Waste Management, Hazardous Waste Manifest & Autoclave. Certifications are valid for 3 years.

Environmental Training

Which Environmental training courses do I need?

If you are… Then take It includes

A faculty or staff who is responsible for the environmental impact of your department or area and need information on your environmental compliance obligations under UBC’s Policy SC4

Please note this course is by invitation only!

Environmental awareness training 1 online module (30 min) & quiz
A researcher, faculty, staff and student who is a generator of hazardous waste and needs information on proper hazardous waste disposal through the Environmental Services Facility Hazardous waste management training

1 online module (30 min) & quiz

Pre-requisite(s): Chemical safety and/or Biosafety training


A researcher, staff and student who ships hazardous waste directly from their department or facility Hazardous waste manifest training

1 online module (30 min) & quiz

Pre-requisite: TDG training

A researcher, faculty, staff and student looking for information on properly autoclaving Risk Group 1&2 contaminated solid waste and safely disposing through the Environmental Services Facility Autoclave training

2 videos (total 15 min) & quiz

Pre-requisite: Biosafety training

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