UBC has response structures and processes in place to deal with all manner of emergencies. Built upon the elements of preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation, UBC has developed and maintained an emergency management program based on the BC Emergency Management System (BCEMS), a recognized standard system for emergency response across British Columbia.
UBC’s Response Structure
Emergency Operations Centre
UBC Alert
Emergency Communications
UBC’s Response Structure
UBC’s response structure is a three-tiered system made up of Incident Response (Incident Command) at the scene, an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) to coordinate at an organizational level, and a Crisis Management Team to make policy-level decisions.
When an incident happens on campus, UBC departments respond, sometimes in coordination with police, fire and ambulance. When the EOC is not activated, Departmental Operation Centres may be stood up to manage the incident. If an incident significantly strains or overwhelms these responders, trained people come together forming the UBC EOC to coordinate information and resources to support the management of the incident.
The UBC Crisis Management Team is made up of the President and UBC Executives to manage emergencies, business interruptions and emerging issues which could have a major negative impact on UBC’s ability to achieve its objectives and successfully execute its strategies.
No matter the nature of the emergency, there are four key priorities when responding:
- Protection of life safety — Ensure the safety and well-being of all members of the UBC Vancouver community and visitors to the campus.
- Incident stabilization — Contain the incident to keep it from expanding.
- Property and environmental preservation — Minimize damage to property and the environment.
- Mission continuity/resumption — Re-establish teaching, research, and other mission-critical activities with minimal disruption.
Emergency Operations Centre
An Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) is a predesignated location where people come together to manage the response to an event that has significantly strained or overwhelmed regular operations. An EOC involves responders from the site of the incident (i.e. UBC), but may also require coordination with multiple external responders or agencies.
Emergency responses often bring together a team of people with a variety of skill sets often from multiple agencies. To be effective, a common approach to the command, control, and coordination of the response is needed. This standard approach is referred to as an Incident Command System (ICS).
When emergencies require significant resources or management, organizations require a strategic level of support to coordinate an effective response. Under ICS, this is the role of an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC).
When is an EOC activated?
An EOC may be activated when:
- A significant number of people are at risk or impacted
- Response coordination is required
- Resource coordination is required
- Uncertain conditions or a need to monitor
- Potential threat, imminent or actual impact to people, property or the environment
- Concern that normal operations may be overwhelmed
- Major planned event
How do we implement this at UBC?
Every year, UBC holds an emergency training exercise to better position individuals and the institution for real emergencies. This is a planned and controlled emergency exercise that allows UBC to practice elements of the UBC Emergency Management Plan, including the activation of the EOC.
Exercises are held each year during spring. The emergency scenario is shared publicly with the university community in advance. Several external agencies are involved as part of the event, just as they would be in a real emergency.
For more information about the training exercise, view Emergency Management Program Training Exercises.
For more information on UBC’s Response Structures and the Emergency Operations Centre, view the ‘Crisis Management Plan’ and ‘Emergency Response Plan’ here.
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Post Emergency
In a major emergency, UBC plans and practices the provision of mass care supports — such as food, potable water, and shelter to displaced community members. We plan for, and practice, our ability to establish these supports as quickly as possible.
The location and availability of the types of community response services will be determined at the time of the incident based on the context of the emergency and with community safety in mind.
To receive safety information and learn about supports available, ensure your contact information is up to date in Workday and/or your UNA account to receive UBC Alerts. Additionally, sign up for Alertable to receive information from Metro Vancouver.
UBC is working hard to ensure the resilience of our community and each of us have an important role to play. Find out more of the Mass Care Open House event.
Please take care to get informed about the risks and hazards, Make a Plan for emergencies and Build a Kit with the things you need to look after yourself and your loved ones. More information, visit the Emergency Preparedness, and Take Action web pages
UBC Alert
UBC Alert is the university’s mass notification system to send alerts in urgent situations that pose an immediate safety or security risk to the community. The system is supplied by an external organization called AppArmor, and messages are coordinated on UBC’s main website ubc.ca, X (formerly known as Twitter) @ubcnews, and digital signage across campus
Please add the UBC Alert phone numbers to your contact list so you are aware of any incoming UBC Alert notifications.
Voice calls: 604-670-8223
Text messages: 723-389
Why is this needed?
In an urgent situation on campus, we want to increase the likelihood that students, faculty, and staff receive the latest information about what is happening as soon as possible. This way, you can make informed decisions that prioritize your personal safety.
These kinds of systems are becoming common in Canadian colleges and universities, and are part of the university’s commitment to proactively plan for rare but possible emergency situations.
When will UBC Alert be used?
UBC Alert will be used in active and urgent situations that require your immediate attention because they have the potential to:
- Result in serious harm to people;
- Cause substantial damage to property; and/or
- Disrupt the usual activities of the university.
UBC Alert will broadcast information in situations such as:
- Campus closures due to severe weather
- Building evacuations because of infrastructure- or security-related issues; and/or
- The rare case of an active threat situation and the call to Get out. Hide. Fight
The Director of Emergency Management will determine on a case-by-case basis if the size and severity of the incident has a likelihood of impacting the UBC community, property or operations and warrants the use of the system.
Sign up for UBC Alerts
Faculty and Staff
Including a mobile number in your Workday contact information will enable UBC to send you alerts in urgent situations that pose an immediate safety or security risk to the community.
You can review and edit your contact information by logging into Workday.
For information on how to access Workday and update your contact information, visit the Workday Knowledge base.
If you encounter problems when using Workday, please visit the Integrated Service Centre (ISC).
Please note: the system only sends notifications to one phone number, if you have a preference for which phone number you would like to receive notifications at, please save that phone number as your home mobile number.
Login to Workday and update your contact information to include your cell phone number.
University Neighbourhoods Association (UNA) Residents
Your UNA Account primary contact number is connected to UBC Alert. If you have a UNA Account, we encourage you to check if your emergency contact information is correct by updating your “Primary Phone” on your UNA Profile Page. Alternatively, you can email support@myuna.ca for updates or changes.
If you do not have a UNA Account, you can sign up online or by visiting any UNA community center.
Download the UBC Safe App
UBC Safe is the official mobile safety app of UBC Vancouver (Point Grey). This multi-function app allows you to receive important safety push notifications, safety information, contacts, maps and procedures — all in one place!
- UBC push notifications: Turn on your push notifications to receive immediate information and updates that are impacting the entire campus — e.g. weather advisories, class cancellations, etc.
- Campus resources: Access important safety and support resources in one convenient place.
- Critical services: Connect with Campus Security for assistance, access First Aid when needed, or arrange for SafeWalk to your car.
Learn more about the UBC Safe App.
Emergency Communications
There is a variety of ways by which you may receive safety information on your mobile depending on the type, location and scale of the incident.
To receive information of incidents in your area make sure to signup and download local notification systems such as UBC Alert, the mobile UBC Safe App and Alertable.
Local – UBC
UBC Alert
UBC Alert is the university’s mass notification system to send alerts in urgent situations that pose an immediate safety or security risk to the community. The system is supplied by an external organization called AppArmor, and messages are coordinated on UBC’s main website ubc.ca, X (formerly known as Twitter) @ubcnews, and digital signage across campus. Learn more about UBC Alert. Ensure your contact information is up to date in Workday to receive UBC Alerts. Read more here.
UBC Safe App
Download the UBC Safe Vancouver App to access safety resources and receive push notifications from UBC Alert. More information on downloading the UBC Safe App.
In addition to registering for UBC Alert, UBC students, faculty, and staff, and UNA residents are encouraged to also subscribe to Alertable. Check your municipalities website for more information on the system used.
Provincial & National
The National Public Alerting System (NPAS) also known as Alert Ready is used by federal and provincial governments to send emergency information it is considered a threat to life. Registration is not required. Read more about Alert Ready.
Since its activation, Earthquake Early Warning System alerts will be sent via Alert Ready. Read more about the Early Earthquake Warning System.