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New Asbestos Awareness course available for UBC community

Developed by Safety & Risk Services, the newly launched Asbestos Awareness course is designed to enhance faculty, staff and student workers’ knowledge about asbestos as facilities on the Point Grey Campus built before 1990 may contain asbestos.

Diving into biodiversity and sustainability: Environmental education and cultural exchange at St’a7mes School

Diving into biodiversity and sustainability: Environmental education and cultural exchange at St’a7mes School

This initiative brings together individuals from various backgrounds and communities, including Elders, settlers, and Indigenous communities; and  aims to foster cultural exchange, a deeper understanding of biodiversity and sustainable practices, as well as an enhanced collective responsibility for the environment.

Take part in the Mass Care Open House & Preparedness Fair to become better prepared for emergencies

Take part in the Mass Care Open House & Preparedness Fair to become better prepared for emergencies

Safety & Risk Services’ Emergency Management team will be hosting a Mass Care Open House on June 28, 2023. This event is an opportunity for key responding staff to familiarize and problem-solve the mass care planning done to date. Mass Care is the provision of food, water, shelter and services to displaced people in a major emergency.

Attend The Centre Health Fair: Heart Health this June

Brought to you by The Centre for Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing in partnership with the UBC Pharmacists Clinic, The Centre Health Fair: Heart Health will provide you with information, awareness, self-assessment, and personalized consultation on your heart health.