As the university welcomed students back on campus for the fall term last week, Safety & Risk Services’ Emergency Management team set up a booth and Quake Cottage, an earthquake simulator to help elevate our campus community’s resilience, emergency awareness and preparedness.
At the booth, students, faculty and staff had the opportunity to learn about local hazards and the steps they can take to prepare for an emergency. This included handing out information and items to help start building their emergency supply kits. Over the three-day event, the team engaged with 1,500 community members and 778 of them signed up for the raffle of 20 Emergency Survival Bottles.
Always a big hit, community members also had the opportunity to experience a big magnitude earthquake in the Quake Cottage. During Ready Week, close to 700 students, faculty and staff signed up to experience the safe yet realistic shaking of an 8.5 earthquake in the simulator.
To see photos and videos from the event, visit the VPFO Flickr album.
We all have a role to play in an emergency
As part of the UBC community, we all have a role to play in an emergency. We want you to Get Prepared and Take Action so you, your loved ones, and our community are better prepared for emergencies.
Please also download the UBC Safe Vancouver app for direct access to campus safety resources, and turn on push notifications to receive timely alerts and notifications.