Teams from UBC Facilities and Safety & Risk Services (SRS – formerly Risk Management Services) joined forces in mid-August to test UBC Vancouver’s emergency water supply.
The test was a success, with potable water being gathered from a local stream, filtered, transported across campus and distributed, all while adhering to the highest water quality standards. A specially designed filtration trailer and two water bladders with a combined capacity of 10,000 liters were used during the test, which took approximately three hours to complete.
At UBC, we hold a quasi-municipal status, which among other things means we are responsible for supplying our own water. This test demonstrates that we are self-sustainable, even in an emergency situation we are able to supply campus users with clean, fresh and safe water without enlisting the help of third parties.
“The test was great, and although there are areas we can improve on, it was fantastic to see the collaboration between VPFO colleagues from Facilities s and SRS. A big thank you to all those involved.”, says Bruce Anderson, Director, Occupational Health & Safety